King County | Ravensdale, Washington
Completed: 1999 | Construction Cost: $1.8 million
The King County Shooting Sports Park, containing a law-enforcement firearms training facility, was a long-time vision of the King County Sheriff’s Office. Carved from a portion of a 462-acre wooded site, the Firearms Training Facility was the initial phase in a multi-center county park serving both civil and law enforcement firearms training and recreation. The later phases provided for private club development within the park that was required to be accommodated by the infrastructure in our first phase.
Used primarily by the King County Sheriff and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the facility consists of a 5,000-sf training and administration building and a bermed live-fire compound containing a 25-lane 200-meter range, a live-fire “house” prop, a two-story simulated-fire house prop, a multi-target alley prop, a central control tower, and an ammunition storage building.