State of Washington | Burien, Washington
Completed: 1998 | Construction Cost: $1.8 million
Constituting the second phase of a multi-phase development, this project provided specialized education buildings for the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. Our design delivered two buildings at different locations on the 35-acre site, one housing firearms and defensive tactics training and the other providing mock scenes for procedural and situational response training of rookie police and corrections officers.
The Tactical Skills Training Building, the larger of the two buildings, is a 13,000-sf two-story building of concrete and metal wall with steel framing and metal roofing. The lower floor houses the firearms training function featuring a fifteen-lane, twenty-five-yard indoor firing range with associated traps and targets, range control, storage, and weapons-cleaning spaces in addition to staff offices and a classroom. The second floor contains a large gym that supports training in personal defense measures and procedures.
The Situational Training Building or “Mock City” is a 6,000-sf single-story pre-engineered building designed to house mock-ups of various interiors that officers might encounter on duty. It also has large canopies for training in vehicular felony stops.
The Tactical Skills Training Building was recognized by the National Concrete Association with a design Excellence Award for its unique use of precast concrete.